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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  January 20, 2013 9:00am-10:30am EST

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information and details about omega-3s. but now let's go back to rhea and brenda. >> it is impossible for us to talk to you without talking about the gut. i mean, it's absolutely impossible. i mean, you know everything there is to know. and the leaky gut syndrome: i need you to talk about that a little more. >> well, it's also called intestinal permeability. >> oh, i like "leaky gut syndrome" a lot better. >> and i don't think that we've known or put together the, you know, the correlation between the gut creating the silent inflammation by, you know, toxins and inflammatory protein circulating through the body and then creating, especially, heart disease. so we haven't explored this. but in the heart of perfect health in the book, as you can see, we give you a pictorial of what leaky gut looks like inside your digestive tract. so you can see through this medical illustration--that's very simple, by the way.
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it's not difficult--how the gut lining becomes permeable meaning it develops the ability for large molecules to enter the blood stream, circulate through the body and then create cardiovascular disease. >> probably you have gotten the idea by now that you really do need to think about this $195 level, where you can get the love your heart master package. i mean, because everything that brenda talks about on the program, everything that we've been talking about right now all the answers, all the information is in this package: the dvd of the program with all that bonus material, the omega 3 connection to perfect health guide. you're gonna get the hardcover book. i can't say enough about this book. the first time i saw it, i just went, "wow i've never seen a book that had that much information with such incredible illustrations." the three-cd audio set, and a
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one-year membership to the heart of perfect health website. what kind of information do you really most want people to take away? >> i want people to take away from the heart of perfect health that we have really thought this through. we show you exactly how to become your own health advocate, become the responsible person in your health, and how you can manage 90% of your chronic problems from managing your digestive system and silent inflammation and then onto heart disease and other chronic problems. it's not hard to do. diet is a big piece of it. that's why we have such a big part of the book and the website, into recipes and tracking sugar. and this will just really open your whole life into how important it is to get control of your health. >> well, i think everybody who's watching this has you to thank. and we're gonna have much more information. what are we gonna learn about in
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the third segment? >> well, i'm excited about this segment, because it kind of brings it all together, and then i can really talk about the website and the book and what we're offering, because you're gonna get to see about food and about the biggest "eat more" fat. [laughs] >> but not just any fat, folks. don't think you're gonna go out and have a pork chop. we'll be back in a little bit and tell you more about it. >> male announcer: support public television, and we'll say "thank you" with some terrific gifts from brenda watson. make a $70 contribution, and you'll receive the heart of perfect health dvd, which contains bonus material not in this broadcast. for a $90 contribution, you'll receive the dvd plus the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide. and if you support this station with a $195 contribution, we'll say "thanks" with the love your heart master package. this includes the program dvd, the heart of perfect health hardcover companion book
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brenda's three-cd audio set, the omega-3 guide, and a trial membership to brenda's perfect health website. please call the number on your screen now and support the wonderful, life improving programs on public television. >> well, stay tuned for the conclusion of the heart of perfect health with brenda watson. this will give me an opportunity to go over our thank-you gifts one more time. for a pledge of $70, the heart of perfect health dvd, the program you're watching right now, plus an additional very informative 40 minutes bonus footage and a q&a session with brenda watson. and then for a pledge of $90 the program, the dvd, and the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide, sort of a companion piece to the dvd. and then for a pledge of $195, a great investment in your health, i might add, love your heart master package. that includes the dvd, the program you're watching; the book, that incredible book with
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great recipes and all kinds of important information about your health and your family's health; the omega-3 guide that i told you about; then if you like to listen to it in your car, the three-cd set of brenda telling you all this information; and then the very important internet site as well, the web membership. so please call the number on your screen. this is a fantastic show. we're glad you're calling. thanks for your support. [uplifting music] ♪ ♪ [applause] >> welcome back. in the last two segments, you learned that cardiovascular, as well as most all chronic disease, is caused by silent
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inflammation. you also learned that silent inflammation begins in the digestive system with the condition called leaky gut. and leaky gut is going on in many of us right now. you may not see it or feel it, but it is happening. and in this segment, i am going to share with you the easy simple ways that you can take control of your health, heal and repair your gut, stop silent inflammation, and greatly reduce your risk of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. what i'm going to tell you will help you even if you're already facing chronic illness. or, if you're looking for prevention, the number one thing you can do is to reduce the
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single biggest dietary factor that destroys your health. that is sugar. let me show you a typical day for a standard american. here's breakfast: cereal and orange juice. lunch is your standard hamburger, fries, and soda. at dinner, you have pasta and meatballs. throw in a snack or two, and you end up with a total of 86 teaspoons of sugar. but where's all the sugar coming from? guess what. it's not just the candy bar or the soda with the obvious sugar. the sugar is also in the carbohydrates you're eating: breads, pastas, grains, and even starchy vegetables turn to sugar
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in your body. for example, that large order of fries turns into over 11 teaspoons of sugar in your body. remember, the most you need is from 8 to 10 teaspoons daily. the fries alone give you all the sugar you need for the entire day. but how do you go from eating so much down to only 10 teaspoons a day? i bet you think you're starving. well, you're not. i want to show you what 10 teaspoons of sugar looks like in a day of food. you can enjoy foods like this omelet with spinach, turkey, and cheese, this cobb salad, these cheese and crackers, nuts, steak and vegetables, even fruit with whipped cream. all of this food is only
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10 teaspoons of sugar. like i said, you will not starve. it's just a matter of picking the right things to eat and then knowing how many teaspoons of sugar you're getting. excess sugar in the diet will cause high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and of course, high blood sugar. why? because it causes silent inflammation, starting in the gut. and if this isn't enough to convince you that sugar's bad for you, here's more. sugar causes weight gain premature aging, suppresses your immune system, and contributes to constipation. so if you want to be an overweight, wrinkled constipated person with heart disease... [laughter] then keep eating too much sugar.
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if not, then you can turn your health around, starting today. and the goal is to limit your sugar intake to 8 to 10 teaspoons per day. it's not as hard as you may think. just ask sandy, stan, and frank. remember, the first step is to just get started. you can do this. even small changes, like avoiding high-fructose corn syrup or just reducing the amount of bread you eat, will make a big difference. now, i'm not saying that you can never have a sweet or a treat. but it's not a treat if you have it every day. [laughter] you would be amazed at the changes you will experience, getting all the excess sugar out of your diet. the next step to help heal and repair the gut and stop silent
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inflammation is getting more fiber in your diet. fiber has many benefits in relation to heart disease. it will absorb excess cholesterol in the intestinal tract and carry it out of the body. that's why most doctors suggest fiber when you have high cholesterol. fiber will also help stabilize your blood sugar levels. and more importantly, having enough fiber will help absorb the bad things, like bad bacteria and toxins, that would otherwise irritate the intestinal lining. because of processed foods, most of us do not get enough fiber in the food we eat. that's why i feel a good fiber supplement may be necessary. now, earlier in the show, you heard me mention the importance of the good, beneficial bacteria called probiotics.
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without enough good, friendly bacteria, your intestinal lining will weaken, leaky gut can develop, and silent inflammation can destroy your health. you need to take a probiotic supplement daily. because i can tell you, eating yogurt is not enough-- especially yogurt with sugar in it. it kind of defeats the purpose. now remember, earlier, i also said the number one thing that you can do to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease was to eat more fat. and of course, i mean the good fat called omega oils. universally, it is the one thing that you can do to reduce your risk of heart disease. even the american heart association recommends omega-3 fats daily.
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and why is this so important? for one thing, omega-3 fats help heal a leaky gut. and they directly stop silent inflammation in the body. and when you heal leaky gut and stop silent inflammation, you also reduce high cholesterol lower high blood pressure, stabilize high blood sugar, and decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease. you know what else omega-3 fats do? they increase your brain health, reduce joint pain and stiffness, and help stabilize your hormone levels. we get the omega-3 fats mostly from fish like anchovies mackerel, or salmon. well, when's the last time you ate mackerel? [laughter] and that's the problem.
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we don't eat enough of this type of fish, as well as some fish, like salmon, can be contaminated with harmful toxins like mercury. that's why i recommend you get the omega fat you need from a high quality fish oil supplement. and there are four things you must look for in your fish oil supplement. the first is potency. potency is measured in milligrams of omega-3. people will tell me all the time that they're taking 1,000 milligrams of fish oil every day. but when i ask them, "how much of it is omega-3?" they have no idea. you see, 1,000 milligrams of fish oil doesn't mean you're getting 1,000 milligrams of omega-3 fats.
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and here's why. this capsule is 1,000 milligrams of fish oil, but only 30% of it is omega-3. this means only 300 milligrams of this oil is the omega-3. the other 700 milligrams is saturated and other fats. now, this capsule, on the other hand, is 95% omega-3 fats. this means it has 1,000 milligrams of omega-3 in one capsule. they look about the same. the only way to tell the difference is to look on the label to see specifically how much omega-3 the capsule contains, not just how much
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fish oil. so what does this really mean for you? well, in order to reduce silent inflammation in the body, you need up to 3,000 milligrams a day of omega-3 oils. when you take a high potency capsule like the one with 1,000 milligrams of omega-3, you only have to take three capsules a day. if you take a capsule with only 300 milligrams of omega-3 in it, that means you have to take ten capsules a day. and these red ones with only 100 milligrams of omega-3? you would have to take 30 capsules a day to get the amount of omega-3 that you need. so you want to check the label and get a supplement that has at least 1,000 milligrams of omega-3 fat in each capsule and not just 1,000 milligrams of
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fish oil. another thing to look for in your omega-3 supplement is enteric coating. being enteric coated will mean the oil will bypass the harsh stomach acids and will get into the intestinal tract where it's digested and helps heal the gut. enteric coated will also mean it will not give you a fishy aftertaste. if you've ever had that happen it's not very pleasant. so you want to check the label and make sure and look for enteric coating. the next thing you want to look for in your omega supplement is vitamin d. studies find that low levels of vitamin d correlate with high levels of silent inflammation. the vitamin d will supercharge your omega-3 supplement and will help you fight inflammation faster.
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so check the label and make sure your omega-3 has vitamin d added to each capsule. the last thing you need to make sure of when buying an omega-3 supplement is purity. you want it as pure as possible. this means no mercury, no pesticides, and no contaminants. one way to make sure you get the purest oil possible is to make sure it is independently certified. this ifos symbol means it meets the international fish oil standards. ifos standards are the most stringent in the world. they evaluate the potency, the purity, and the freshness of your fish oil supplement. so remember, when choosing an omega-3 supplement, there are four things you want to look for on the label. you want to make sure it has
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1,000 milligrams of omega-3 per capsule, not just 1,000 milligrams of fish oil. you want to make sure it's enteric coated. you want to look for added vitamin d. and you want to make sure your supplement is certified. you know, achieving perfect health--it's a journey. and it's a journey that we're all on together. and we're all on here somewhere, either on the road to perfect health or on the road to chronic disease. but now you know there are many simple things that you can do to get on the road to perfect health. so if your health takes a wrong turn with arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease, or if you want to make sure it never does, you now know you need to focus on the heart of perfect health: the
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digestive system. all that matters is that you get started. you can do this. every journey begins with the first step. and you'll be amazed how quickly you'll begin to feel and look better. when my dad got off all his medication and was able to enjoy his life again, he could not have given me or my family a better gift in this world. and stan saw that, and he made a commitment to himself and to me that we would have long, happy, healthy lives together, watching our grandchildren grow up. so he changed his diet. he started taking omega-3s probiotics, and fiber.
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and he turned his health around. and you can see for yourself. [applause] i want the same for you and your family. you can have a strong, healthier heart and a longer, more vibrant life, just by doing some of the simple things i've shared with you today. from our heart to yours, we wish you a lifetime of perfect heart health. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> we hope that you've enjoyed this informative and encouraging special on taking control of our heart health. and we also hope that you're gonna take the time in this last intermission to call in and
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support not just this special but all the shows that you watch and enjoy on public television. we have a whole lot of thank-you gifts, brenda, but you know what? the phones keep ringing, and the gift that people seem to be most excited about is your love your heart master package. and of course, it's yours when you make a pledge of $195. and i'd like to go over the things once again. it has the dvd of the program that we've just seen, but it has more than just the program we've just seen. >> absolutely, yes. it has the dvd of the program, plus 40 minutes giving you in-depth information about what you need to be looking for in terms of healthy cholesterol hdl, and the lousy cholesterol the ldl. but most important, what are some of the tests that you need to be asking your doctor for that can be done anywhere so that you can get a better handle on what your healthy and lousy cholesterol levels are? >> so as you can see, it's a dvd and much more than just the
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program you're watching. also, it has the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide, which we're gonna be talking about in just a little while, because i sort of got a little story i'm gonna tell you about that. and you're also gonna get the companion hardcover book to today's program, which is exclusive to public television and a three-cd audio set. would you just tell us again what's in that three-cd audio set, just to refresh our minds? >> yes, these three-disc audio cds are exciting. there's information on i.v. chelation for heart disease, which is an alternative therapy, wheat's connection to heart disease, and also the connection of inflammation to heart disease. these are exciting audio cds that you can listen to and learn right in your car. >> you're gonna hear a question that's--that's exactly what i wanted to ask.
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and that's what's wonderful about it. you're also gonna get a coupon good for a one-year membership to the heart of perfect health website, which i'd love you to tell us a little more about. >> well, now that you've seen the show, i can talk a little bit more about this, because if you're now starting to understand, "wow, i'm gonna become my own health advocate. i'm going to actually start tracking my cholesterol, tracking my blood pressure, and tracking my blood sugar, then i need a website to help me do this." plus, how important it's gonna be to count the teaspoons of sugar in your diet every day not grams of carbs, teaspoons of sugar, so you can get a handle on how much you're eating. as you saw there, 86 teaspoons of sugar is probably the average plus--probably a conservative average. so you get that down to ten teaspoons, and then on the website we will be able to give you information on different types of recipes other than the
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recipes that are already in the book. >> well, i have said how much i have learned from brenda and her programs. and i got a copy of this program a little earlier, and i was home watching it, and i was kind of feeling a little smug, brenda, to tell you the truth. like, "i'm doing okay. i'm doing okay with this and with that and the other." and then you got to omega-3. and i've been taking omega-3. and then you said how much omega-3 we needed, and what were we taking? so i put pause on right away and i ran, and i got my omega-3. and i was not taking nearly enough. then i found out it wasn't enteric-coated. then i found out all of the things that were wrong about it. and i was absolutely dismayed. however, i have found that the answers to all of my questions and what i need to know is in this omega-3 connection to perfect health little booklet
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there. >> right, and this booklet gives you not only the connection to omega-3s with heart health and what we're supposed to be getting in terms of what the cardiologists are recommending that we have at 3,000 milligrams of omega-3 a day--not fish oil as i said before-- but also some of the ways omega-3s help other conditions in the body, like skin problems and how much should be taken for those different conditions also with conditions like inflammatory bowel, problems like that. and there's direct correlation with some scientific studies on omega-3s. >> so we all need to up our omega-3s. that's for sure. so right now i'm asking you to please call the number on your screen. ask the operator about putting your contribution on a charge card. and remember that this is the last intermission for this special. so folks, time is running out. i know--i know what you're doing, 'cause a lot of us do the same thing. we're watching the program and thinking, "this is really great. i have learned so much from brenda. i really ought to call in and
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make a contribution." and you haven't done it yet, but you've meant to do it. well, you can't wait any longer. now is the time. we ask you to please go to your phone and make the best possible pledge that you can. carolyn? >> the material that brenda covered in this latest special is critically important to all of us. we hope it is proving useful to your life and to the people you love. i know that i am gonna make some changes in my own lifestyle after watching this show. i think i'm a healthy person but after watching the show with brenda, i realize there's a lot of room for improvement. and i bet that's the case for many of you out there as well. we hope that you're gonna call this station right now with your gift of financial support so that we may continue to bring shows and specials like this to everyone in the community. the number is on the screen, and we have operators standing by. so please, give us a call right now. we have many ways of saying "thank you" for that gift of support. for a pledge of $70, the heart of perfect health
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with brenda watson dvd. this is the program that you've just seen, but it has an additional 40 minutes of bonus footage, lots of important information that you're gonna want to know about. and it also includes a q&a session, some very interesting and intriguing questions that brenda asks--and answers, actually--that you're not gonna see in today's broadcast. and then for a pledge of $90 the heart of perfect health dvd and then the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide. learn the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil work in many ways to improve the inflammatory response, as well as the range of chronic health conditions. there is so much information in this program. you're gonna want to be able to go to one of these resources and read them over again, listen to them. lots of information to take in. now, the pledge levels we've been talking about are merely suggestions. what we really want you to do is feel free to make a contribution at the level that is right for you.
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so when you call, ask the operator about this station's basic membership level. support the wonderful shows and specials that only public television can bring to our community. please give us a call now at the number on your screen. >> announcer: support public television, and we'll say "thank you" with some terrific gifts from brenda watson. make a $70 contribution, and you'll receive the heart of perfect health dvd, which contains bonus material not in this broadcast. for a $90 contribution, you'll receive the dvd plus the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide. and if you support this station with a $195 contribution, we'll say "thanks" with the love your heart master package. this includes the program dvd, the heart of perfect health hardcover companion book brenda's three-cd audio set, the omega-3 guide, and a trial membership to brenda's perfect health website.
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please call the number on your screen now and support the wonderful, life improving programs on public television. >> you know, brenda, each of us kind of learns things in a different way. and you've provided in this package ways that we can learn it by looking at the dvd, by having a book. if you like to read, you can do that. if you like to have a cd that you can listen to, we have that. you've sort of covered all the bases for us to learn about the things you've talked about. >> right, right. >> so did you have a hard time deciding what to put in this package? >> no, i didn't. i tell you, putting together a book like this, rhea, is--you know the heart of perfect health book, 450 pages of color illustrations telling you all about everything from heart disease and how to prevent it is difficult. >> uh-huh, i'm sure it is. >> it is difficult. >> and it's a book that you can only get on public television. >> that's right. >> and it's a part of the gift that everyone seems to be excited about, our combo. and of course, the combo is
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yours when you make a pledge of $195. you're gonna get the the love your heart master package, which has the program dvd in it. you're gonna get the omega-3 connection to perfect health. you're also gonna get the companion hardcover book to the program, exclusive to public television; a three-cd audio set for your folks who like to listen to questions and answers; plus, you're also gonna get a coupon good for a one-year membership to the heart of perfect health website. now, i'd like to go back to this book, and i'd like to go back to omega-3, because i am fascinated by the fact that it is so valuable to all of us for so many different reasons. >> yes. >> but we've got to get the right omega-3. and in this book, you sort of show us about it. so kind of explain that, if you will. >> well, actually, yes. to educate you on what you're spending your money on in omega-3s, when you look at the
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label and you look at a capsule, you can see here in this picture that most of you, if you're purchasing a capsule that has 300 milligrams of omega-3 in it, the other 70% of that capsule is saturated fat. so that's the thing. when you purchase an omega-3 supplement that's 95% omega-3, then only 5% of that capsule is saturated fat. we must learn potency, because that's where the studies are. that's where the science is in reducing silent inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol. i mean, look at my husband. my husband was--cholesterol levels, as you could see, 400s 500s over a period of 10 to 15 years-- but until he understood the potency of omega-3 that he needed to take to reduce that cholesterol--and that is conservatively 3,000 milligrams of omega-3 a day. now, many preventive
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cardiologists are going to tell you you need 5,000 if you're already, you know, in a chronic--having a chronic problem. so the key to all of this is when you purchase something, you're an educated consumer. that's important. >> we hope that you're gonna become a member of the station right now by calling the number on your screen. it's the best thing you can do for you and your family, and, of course, for this television station. >> if you watch public television regularly, you already know that we often air shows about improving your health and well-being. today we are living longer, and we've come to understand that the quality of our life depends upon our health. it's critically important to stay current on health matters. and the field of antioxidants and probiotics, which this special covered, is rapidly evolving. brenda watson continues to be on the cutting edge. so please call and support this special now so that you can be on the cutting edge and we can
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bring you more programs like this in the months and years ahead. we have many ways of saying "thank you" for your support. for a pledge of $70, the heart of perfect health with brenda watson dvd: this has been a spectacular program filled with so much important information that impacts your life and your loved ones as well. so you're gonna see the program that you've just watched but it has an additional 40 minutes of bonus material that you're not seeing in today's broadcast. and then for a pledge of $90 we'll send you the dvd and the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide. it explains exactly what omega-3s are, the different types, what you need to do to get the right amount of omega-3s in your diet. so please call the number on your screen. call your station and support public television. rhea and brenda, back to you. >> now, you know, this is the last intermission for this program, so it's your last opportunity to call in and make a pledge and get whichever of the gifts you think is most important for you.
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and, of course, we've been talking about this terrific package. and i want to do it one more time for you. it's at the $195 level. it's the the love your heart master package. it has the dvd of the show the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide. you're also gonna get this incredible hardcover book that really talks about everything that brenda has talked about and more. and you're gonna get a three-cd audio set and a one-year membership to the heart of perfect health website. >> announcer: support public television, and we'll say "thank you" with some terrific gifts from brenda watson. make a $70 contribution, and you'll receive the heart of perfect health dvd, which contains bonus material not in this broadcast. for a $90 contribution, you'll receive the dvd plus the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide. and if you support this station with a $195 contribution, we'll say "thanks" with the love your heart master package.
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this includes the program dvd, the heart of perfect health hardcover companion book brenda's three-cd audio set, the omega-3 guide, and a trial membership to brenda's perfect health website. please call the number on your screen now and support the wonderful, life improving programs on public television. >> i just wanted to ask you something, brenda. you know, when your husband decided that he was gonna do something about his health, and we talked about the omega-3s that wasn't all that he did, though. you talk about other things we need to do. could you sort of go over those? >> yes, the one thing i want to talk about other than the omega-3s, which are really critical in helping reduce the three factors, markers for heart disease-- the other thing that was really important was understanding fiber. now, fiber is an interesting thing, because people take extra fiber, supplemental fiber all
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the time. there's fiber in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. but what people don't understand is, if you have cholesterol issues, fiber needs to be a certain kind. so what you're looking at here in the picture is what's called soluble fiber in the digestive tract. this is a beautiful picture, because soluble--think of sponge. it soaks up, so this is a picture of the fiber picking up the cholesterol in the digestive tract or absorbing it so it does leave the body through the colon elimination. so what you have to understand is, the fiber that you take that mixes up clear in water is called soluble, and it's the type of fiber that helps with reducing cholesterol. though other types of fiber are good, but they're not the type of fiber that helps with cholesterol and also managing blood sugar. >> and all that is in the book so the book is just--it is--i don't know how you did it. first of all, the pictures are so amazing in this book.
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>> thank you. >> i really do love it. and i really am urging you right now to call the number on your screen. time is running out. i know that you're sitting there thinking, "should i do it? shouldn't i do it? i'm sort of on the fence." do it. you will not be sorry if you do it. the operator is there, and you could talk to the operator perhaps about putting your contribution on a charge card, which would be easy for you and easy for us and good for the environment all at the same time. but right now, folks, don't wait any longer. time is running out. everybody wants to be heart healthy. >> they do. >> i mean, there's not anybody who wouldn't say, "do you want to be healthy? do you want to protect your heart?" everybody would say yes. >> absolutely; it's the number one killer of men and women. >> however, people have not had the tools to do it, and that's what you've given us. >> that's exactly what this is. this is your toolbox. >> that's right; this is your toolbox. >> everything in here, from the diet to what's going on, the different types of heart disease, arthrosclerosis, anything, your blood pressure issues, what it
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looks like inside your body, this is your toolbox so that you don't end up with the number one problem that kills men and women in this country, and that's heart disease. and for those of you sitting out there, thinking, "oh, well, i don't have silent inflammation," think again. if you're overweight, if you have, you know, fat on your body, if you have the high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and all of that going on, then you have silent inflammation, and it's brewing inside of you right now. and you have to get to the core of it and heal the gut. and then you'll get better. >> well, we all want to get better, so i hope we're gonna hear from you. the number's on your screen. make that call right now. carolyn? >> public television is different. our schedule is filled with a diverse collection of some of the finest examples of programs in every category. we have science specials and documentaries, the best in drama and public affairs, and don't
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forget the fantastic music concerts featuring almost every genre of music. your membership makes these kinds of programs possible. never forget that. just a small contribution from you combined with others puts these shows on the air. so please join us now by calling the number on your screen and making the most generous pledge that you can. now, choose whatever amount is comfortable for you. perhaps it's this station's basic membership level and you can ask about it when you call the number on your screen. >> announcer: support public television, and we'll say "thank you" with some terrific gifts from brenda watson. make a $70 contribution, and you'll receive the heart of perfect health dvd, which contains bonus material not in this broadcast. for a $90 contribution, you'll receive the dvd plus the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide. and if you support this station with a $195 contribution, we'll
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say "thanks" with the love your heart master package. this includes the program dvd, the heart of perfect health hardcover companion book brenda's three-cd audio set, the omega-3 guide, and a trial membership to brenda's perfect health website. please call the number on your screen now and support the wonderful, life improving programs on public television. >> brenda, you talk about a lot of tests... >> mm-hmm. >> things that we should find out about ourselves. now, some of them are self-tests that you can do. and will you tell us how to do how to find out how to do those self-tests? but also, when you go to the doctor, you should know what to ask, shouldn't you? >> that's right, because there's a lot of new testing out there especially if you're going for cardiovascular health, that your doctor may or may not know about. one is an mmr. and so we have all of these functional testings in the book,
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what to ask your doctor for, but also the resources--because a lot of people, sometimes, rhea don't have insurance, and they don't have a way to go. but you've got to be testing yourself your cholesterol, your blood pressure, and your blood sugar. these--most of these tests you can do yourself. and even if you're going to the doctor one time a year, you need to know these numbers more than one time a year. you need to be testing, in some of these cases--if your cholesterol is really high and your lousy cholesterol is a problem, you need to be testing this probably every three months. so there's online sites where you can go and find out and get these tests without having to go to the doctor so you can test more. and that way, you become more responsible, and again, your own health advocate. >> right, and all that is in the book. and of course, all the book, and a lot of other things are in this wonderful the heart of perfect health combo that we've been telling you about.
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and since this program is almost over, i want to tell--again i want to tell you about it, because so many of you are sitting back and still have not made the decision to go to the phone or to go to your computer and make a pledge. so let's do it right now. think about $195. it sounds like a lot of money. i know it does. i mean, that's a lot of money, $195. >> yes, it is. >> but when you think about what you're getting for that money and what it can do to prevent you from having heart problems or can reverse problems you already have it's not very much money at all. so the the love your heart master package, again, includes the program we're watching now with a lot of bonus additional material; you get the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide, which will answer a lot of questions about omega-3 for you; you're gonna get this incredible hardcover companion book to today's program. and i can't say enough about this book. you have done a fabulous thing.
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you're also gonna get a three-cd audio set called the heart of perfect health and a one-year membership to brenda's website. and also i want you to tell us about this very, very interesting coupon. >> well, it is, because if you're going to begin to track sugar in teaspoons every day you've got to know how to do it. we're gonna show you. this website is tracking your numbers, blood pressure, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar levels. so you're gonna be able to track them. you'll be able to see, if you reduce your sugar and your carbs in your diet, and you convert it to teaspoons, with this website, you're gonna see how easy it is, 'cause we're going to guide you along. we're gonna put all the graphs and charts of foods that are in your local grocery store. we're gonna put in servings of fruits and vegetables. and you know what some people out there may not know is, sugar from, say, a soda or sugar from a cookie is one thing.
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but you also need to be tracking the sugar that's in your fruit and your vegetables, 'cause that's part of your sugar intake every day. so with this, you'll be able to see, wow, if i eat this fruit, it's got this many teaspoons per serving. and this one has this. so i would rather choose this one today, because i've had something that i shouldn't have. you know, so it's a way for you to begin to be responsible and get that awareness over, "i can do this." you can do this. if you'd see the transformation that my husband and my sister and so many people now have had with the heart of perfect health by just getting that one thing with sugar adjusted, it's amazing. >> you must be so proud of your husband and your sister. >> i am. you know, husbands don't listen so well sometimes, you know. and it took a long time, but i think once he, again, could take responsibility and understand, "oh, this is what
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ten teaspoons of sugar looks like a day, so i'm in control of that myself. i can do this." >> and i think it was wonderful that you let us meet your husband. >> [laughs] thank you. >> i thought that was really nice of you. please call right now. the number is on your screen. ask the operator about putting your contribution on a charge card. but do it now. don't wait any longer. this is the time to take action. you want to take care of your health, and we want you to do it, and we want to help you do it by having you call and get one of these wonderful thank-you gifts that we have for you. >> announcer: support public television, and we'll say "thank you" with some terrific gifts from brenda watson. make a $70 contribution, and you'll receive the heart of perfect health dvd, which contains bonus material not in this broadcast. for a $90 contribution, you'll receive the dvd plus the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide. and if you support this station with a $195 contribution, we'll say "thanks" with the love your
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heart master package. this includes the program dvd, the heart of perfect health hardcover companion book brenda's three-cd audio set, the omega 3 guide, and a trial membership to brenda's perfect health website. please call the number on your screen now and support the wonderful, life improving programs on public television. >> this is the last intermission for this program. i am so inspired by brenda watson and this television program. and it's because i feel that i have control. you know, with knowledge, and brenda gives us great knowledge of how our bodies work, how we take in food and how it affects our bodies and our health. she gives us the knowledge. we then have some power, and we have control. so we're giving you control over your destiny, over your health not only for the weeks but for the years to come and at such a small price. we want you to go to the telephone and pledge your support at whateveworks
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for you. but let me tell you about two premiums. for a pledge of $70, the heart of perfect health with brenda watson dvd. incredibly important information for all of us. and in this dvd, she discusses the connection between digestive health and heart health while including easy, simple ways to protect and strengthen the heart. plus, it contains 40 minutes of bonus footage not shown in this broadcast. and then for a pledge of $90 the heart of perfect health dvd, what i just told you about, and then the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide, filled with all kinds of important information, explanations about these omega-3 fatty acids and why they are so important. so please call us now at the number on your screen. we welcome your contribution at any amount. rhea and brenda? >> you know, time is running out, so i hope you're gonna go and make that call right now. you've given us so much information. and, of course, if we have all
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of the things that we're offering in this thank-you gift, we can go over it. but could you possibly--is it possible to say what is the single most important thing for us to remember? >> the single most important thing for you to understand is the first thing you have to do in stopping the silent inflammation is heal the gut. that's i'm about is the digestive system, and that's the core of your being. you know i call it the gps the gut protection system. and you start by probiotics, which we talk about in the program and in the book, and also your omega-3s and fiber. thsoe three things begin to health the leaky gut, because you have to stop the flow of the inflammatory toxins that are flowing through the blood and creating inflammation. that stops it, so that comes first. >> mm-hmm. >> that's the first thing that you do is, you stop the inflammation in the gut and rebuild the gut, and then the
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omega-3s will begin to help you get better and better with the markers of blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. >> i wonder if you could just talk a little bit about public television and why you decided to do your program for public television. >> well, public television for me is the perfect platform for my message. as you know, i'm the digestive care expert and have always talked about healing the gut. but for me, the viewer of public television is an educated viewer who wants to do something for their health and can take information like this and make it work for them, because this is just about turning the light on inside of our head with an awareness of being able to understand the things you need to do to have better health. and that's what we give you and what i hope that we give you in this heart of perfect health.
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and i know we're giving it to you in this heart of perfect health package, because it is profound information that even cardiologists don't know a lot about this. but preventive cardiologists will, and that's what this book is about. >> i'm sure that a lot of viewers probably didn't even think about any of this thing, and they just sort of maybe stumbled on the program. >> yep. >> and i bet you if you did just stumble on the program, you didn't leave. you just stayed with it and stayed with it. brenda, as i said in the beginning, is--you have a lot of information. you know so much. but you are able to impart that information in such a good way in such a positive way. it is impossible not to listen to you and think, "i'm gonna be better. i'm gonna be healthier. i'm gonna be better." and, of course, again, i just want to remind you that you can get better with a lot of these tools that brenda has for you. in that the love your heart master package, which is yours at the $195 level.
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the dvd of the program with bonus material the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide, which i will never be without. i can guarantee you. the hardcover companion book which, i think is one of a kind. i don't think you will ever, ever see a book that talks about health in the way that this book does. and then you get a three-cd audio set, which you can just listen to in your car. get healthy while you're driving. that's pretty good. >> [laughs] >> and a one-year membership to the heart of perfect health website. now, please remember that these levels are just suggestions. any financial contribution that you would like to make is greatly appreciated. please just ask this station about their basic membership level when you call. and we hope that you're gonna support the programs and the specials that can change our lives and our families and all for the better. so please support this public television station. >> announcer: support public television, and we'll say "thank
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you" with some terrific gifts from brenda watson. make a $70 contribution, and you'll receive the heart of perfect health dvd, which contains bonus material not in this broadcast. for a $90 contribution, you'll receive the dvd plus the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide. and if you support this station with a $195 contribution, we'll say "thanks" with the love your heart master package. this includes the program dvd, the heart of perfect health hardcover companion book brenda's three-cd audio set, the omega 3 guide, and a trial membership to brenda's perfect health website. please call the number on your screen now and support the wonderful, life improving programs on public television. >> we sincerely hope you've received some beneficial advice from brenda watson, if not for yourself personally, then maybe for a family member
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or a friend. i am so excited about this program. i am inspired. i mean, my head is spinning. i have learned so much, as i'm sure you have today. so if you've heard something helpful to someone you love, we want you to call the number on your screen and pledge your support for this incredible program. call us right now. so please, this is one of your last opportunities to call the number on your screen and support programs like this on public television. we have some suggested pledge levels, and i'm gonna do just that right now, make a suggestion, a great investment in your future and your health. for a pledge of $70, the heart of perfect health with brenda watson dvd. this is the program that you've watched. it has an additional 40 minutes of material that you're not hearing, all kinds of interesting and important information about your health. and then for a pledge of $90 the heart of perfect health dvd and the omega-3 connection to perfect health guide.
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so please go to your telephone. this has been an incredible, special program about you, about your health, about your future and about the future of your loved ones. call the number on your screen. rhea and brenda? >> brenda, i'm a little bit worried that there might be some folks watching who are saying to themselves, "perhaps i'm old or i'm too sick, and this is too late for me." is that true? >> no. i want to say to the public television viewer out there, it's never too late. my father was 70 years old and had triple bypass surgery, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetic and reversed it by starting this type of program. so it works. >> and did you have to badger him? >> no, not after the surgery. [laughs] not after the medication. i think after the medication-- and also with my husband after being able to do this without prescription medication was profound.
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and it can be done. many people are doing it all the time. >> i'm sure, brenda, that wherever you go, there are viewers that come up to you and thank you. >> they do. >> i'm sure they do, and i think there are people who are watching right now who would like to say thank you. and i know all of us would. i think we learned so much from you. you do change our lives. every time you do a program for public television, we learn more and more and more. but i think we're safe to say that if i talk to you about almost anything, you'd probably say "the gut." >> [laughs] i would. the gut is the core of your health, and you must heal it first. and then you'll get better. >> okay. i want to thank all of you who tuned in. i also want to thank all of you who contributed to this station. you've made a great difference. and i know that brenda has made a great difference in your life. and, brenda, i just hope that you'll keep doing programs for public television and come back again and again and again.
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'cause lifelong learning is what public television is all about and you certainly do that for us. thank you so much. >> thank you, rhea. >> give me a kiss. mwah! and you're great too, and we'd like to give you a kiss. >> mwah. [laughs]
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captioning sponsored by wpbt ♪ ♪ ( singing in hebrew ) ♪ jerusalem is the most beautiful city in the world ♪ it is sacred to all the religions ♪ it's a symbol for love and unity ( singing in hebrew ) ♪ and i truly believe that when peace will come to jerusalem ♪ there will be peace in the whole world ( singing in hebrew )
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♪ but when i come to count your praises ♪ and sing hallel to you with pretty rhymes ♪ i dare not crown you as other poets do, upon my lips ♪ is always burning your name, so dear, so old ♪ if i forget yerushalaim
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of bronze and light and gold. ♪ ( singing in hebrew ) (applause)
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>> i grew up on a kibbutz in the north of israel nearby the jordan river and the jordanian border. the kibbutz is a very special place dedicated to mutual aid and social justice. the are no rich or poor people in a kibbutz and everyone has the same status. the values of the kibbutz have shaped my personality and made me devoted to use the gift that god gave me to promote tolerance and love.
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i hope that my voice will reach people all over the world and will open their hearts. ♪ i wish that this world was one world ♪ i wish that love ruled on this earth ♪ that everyone would try try to take some time to show kindness ♪ that every life would be a life that knows no loneliness ♪ this is my wish
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and i wish that ♪ there would be no wars and i wish that ♪ no one had to hurt no more and i wish that everyone could ♪ see only love is worth fighting for ♪ and i wish that all of us could live ♪ in a world where all of us could forgive ♪ and i know it's just a dream but i wish this could be ♪ i wish that no tears would be cried ♪ i pray that peace comes to these times ♪ that love would be the light that would light the way through ♪ all the darkness
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that all of us could find ♪ the love to fill our hearts with ♪ that is my wish and i wish that ♪ there would be no wars and i wish that ♪ no one had to hurt no more and i wish that ♪ everyone could see only love is worth fighting for ♪ and i wish that all of us could live ♪ in a world where all of us could forgive ♪ and i know it's just a dream ♪ but i wish this could be maybe i asked too much ♪ maybe i shouldn't try
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but only faith can take us ♪ through these troubled times i wish that ♪ this world was one world i wish that love ruled on this earth ♪ and i wish that there would be no wars ♪ and i wish that no one had to hurt no more ♪ and i wish that everyone could see only ♪ love is worth fighting for and i wish that ♪ all of us could live in a world where ♪ all of us could forgive and i know it's just a dream
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♪ but i wish this could be i wish that. ♪ ♪ohhh >> i decided to dedicate my career for peace. to try in any way that i can any performance that i have to talk about it, to sing songs about it, especially that i was born raised in a country, in israel, which is a country with many conflicts and i have seen how people suffer, so i want to tell people about it. we, the young generation, the children, all we wish is to live
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in a safe world. ♪ i see trees of green red roses too ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ and i think to myself what a wonderful world ♪ i see skies of blue
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and clouds of white ♪ the bright blessed day dark sacred night ♪ and i think to myself what a wonderful world ♪ the colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky ♪ are also on the faces of people going by ♪ i see friends shaking hands sayin', "how do you do?" ♪ they're really sayin', "i love you" ♪ i see trees of green red roses too ♪ i see them bloom
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for me and you ♪ and i think to myself what a wonderful world ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ what a wonderful world
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(applause) >> when i was 14, i had the privilege to sing a duet with president bill clinton. >> good evening, ladies and gentleman, and good evening to you, mister bill clinton. >> i was standing on stage together with a choir of 40 jewish and 40 arab children preparing to sing "imagine" and president clinton was just going off stage and then i asked him... i would like to invite you to sing with me. ( applause ) he agreed, he said yes.
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and we all would like to dedicate it to you all with love and hope. imagine. ♪ imagine there's no heaven ♪ it's easy if you try no hell below us ♪ above us only sky
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imagine all the people ♪ living for today imagine there's no countries ♪ it isn't hard to do nothing to kill or die for ♪ and no religion too imagine all the people ♪ living life in peace you may say that i'm a dreamer
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♪ but i'm not the only one i hope someday you'll join us ♪ and the world will be as one imagine no possessions ♪ i wonder if you can no need for greed or hunger ♪ a brotherhood of man imagine all the people ♪ sharing all the world
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you may say that i'm a dreamer (hebrew) i hope someday you'll join us ♪ and the world will live as one. ♪
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>> israel is so special, because it has a mix of so many cultures and flavors which i try to integrate into my music. and the blend of the middle east
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and the western instruments makes such a beautiful sound. ( singing in hebrew ) ( singing in hebrew )
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>> ♪ can you hear me lord i want this to be true ♪ so every morning i'll see what we can do ♪ an angel came to me straight from you ♪ said she had a message of peace for the world ♪ you were watching faulty at each and every thing
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♪ and opening your hand tall he children you would save ♪ and opening you hand all the children you would save ♪ i am not a dreamer but this one seems so real ♪ i was looking for this outside the dream ♪ don't ask me why i dream on my own ♪ maybe is me wishing the dream not
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( singing in hebrew ) ♪ can you hear me lord you opened your hand ♪ and it'll never be the same


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